onsdag 11. desember 2013

New Cover Version for Hoshi

this was my first song I wanted to try out with Hoshis VB, but the first version sounded really bad because of the oto wasnt really done <xD but now it's fixed and sounds way better ^^

onsdag 20. november 2013

Hoshis OTO is fixed

so, it's fixed, and here's an demo of it: <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/121034609"></iframe>

sounds pretty good now -w-
this was made by my bud who fixed the voicebank. sounds great, but somehow, my UTAU program wont make it sound as good as this. why is that? .3.;

fredag 8. november 2013

torsdag 7. november 2013

MP3: https://soundcloud.com/singalaxy/isao-aoi-hello-how-are-you
Original: Hatsune Miku
UTAU: Isao Aoi
UST: IrisFlower http://www.mediafire.com/?qht1etomrma40f6


Isao Aoi and her big brother Isao Ryota, DMO, Tomiko Katsumi, Risu Mami, Miyo Hoshi, Kanmi Nora, Ryu Drakita (human and dragon version), Junko Mei, Akane Joi. all of them will be here with updates and songs and art. please enjoy